I believe:

Successful design is quiet. It engrains itself seamlessly into people’s lives, improving and enhancing day-to-day routines, through a delivery of emotional and memorable experiences. Design is the bridge connecting art, science and society.


My initiative to design is sparked by 3 major factors:


Design for a circular economy

Create or new or improved product/experience with circular design principles in mind and build intentionally for a circular life cycle, rather than linear.


Design for a world/human need

Create a new or improved product/experience with an absolute intention of positively impacting human day to day lifestyles and the planet.


Design for an enhanced experience

Modify, adjust and improve pre-existing products with an absolute intention of enhancing user-product experience and amplify emotional attachment.



Designs are crafted by an intertwining of 3 driving forces:


Visual Grammar

The assortment of design elements, composed in a ‘grammatically’ correct fashion, to ensure a design is attractive, adaptive and engaging.


User-Centered Focus

The exploration, analysis and findings of product user-case scenarios and user expectations to ensure a product has been designed with intent.


Product Interaction

Satisfying product performance achieved through the implementation of haptic features and functions to create memorable experience.



My designs must abide by 3 fundamental principles:


Design is holistic

Inclusively and consciously harmonizing a diverse set of factors, ranging from ergonomics, aesthetics and interaction to sustainability, ecosystems and life cycle.


Design is attractive

Sensitively crafting attractive design through a articulate composition of design elements and visual grammar for both the end user(s) and environment.


Design is purposeful

Ensuring a design or experience can perform with a genuinely sought purpose and can positively impact/influence the end user through its existence.


Successful design is a proven result of strategic design thinking and systematic process.

A ‘6 phase’ stage-gate approach enables step-by-step focus and conscious decision making that drives project milestones to be accomplished smoothly.

Phase 01:


A deep dive into market, user and product research, covering all influential aspects which may impact the final outcome of a design. Consisting of, but not limited to: market scanning, product mapping, trend analysis, brand positioning, product breakdowns and more.

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Phase 03:


Once a preferred concept (or more) has been chosen, design details are refined, tweaked and amended through various iteration rounds, allowing all aspects and elements to be intricately crafted for its intended use until verified.


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Phase 05:

Phase 02:


Letting pen and paper do the talking, via blue-cloud brainstorming sessions and creative workshops, where tangible solutions and innovative ideas can be brought to attention in the form of sketch. These are then compiled, deciphered and visually orchestrated into feasible and attractive concepts.

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Phase 04:

Using 3D CAD software, the design begins its transformation from 2D into 3D space, Form, proportion and dimension are defined through the development of outer-shape surfaces and internal structure. Material, colour and finishing (CMF) palettes are also selected.


Creating fully functional and physical prototypes via hand modelling, 3D printing or CNC milling to test a range of essential product aspects. Consisting of but not limited to: general assembly, product functionality, cosmetic values, construction, form and ergonomics.

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Phase 06:


After physical interaction with the design, new challenges, issues or improvements may arise that need to be further implemented. A final round of design refinement and adjustment takes places to ensure the product is ready for mass production and end use.

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Refinement & FToros Cangar Design Industrial Methodology 12ollow Up 1